Nursing (NURS)
NURS 1101 - Fundamentals of Nursing (ASN) (6 Credits)
This course provides a fundamental foundation for the profession of nursing. The adult learner will be exposed to patient centered care model, teamwork, evidence-based practice and informatics with an emphasis on quality improvement. Princples of medication calculation and safe administration are emphasized. Development of personal responsibility and ethical behavior related to the performance of basic nursing skills will be acquired through supervised lab performance and selected clinical rotations. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2411K or BIOL 2111K
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 3
NURS 1105 - Pharmacology for Nurses (ASN) (2 Credits)
Pharmacology for Nurses provides a basic foundation of knowledge necessary for the safe administration of medications in nursing practice. The course encompasses drug classifications, actions, therapeutic dosages, side effects and patient education of selected medications. The importance of safety, interdisciplinary collaboration, informatics, evidence-based practice and accurate calculation of appropriate dosages in various measurement systems are stressed. The course focuses on patient centered nursing care and quality improvement for pharmacology. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2411K or BIOL 2111K
Lecture hours: 2
NURS 1111 - Adult Health I (ASN) (6 Credits)
The course emphasizes quality and safety in nursing education core competencies, as it relates to the provision of patient centered care to people experiencing respiratory, circulatory, renal, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal and neurological alterations. Teamwork, informatics, quality improvement and evidence based practice are essential components in the course. Development of personal responsibilty and ethical behavior is acquired through supervised lab performance and clinical experience with selected patients. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2411K or BIOL 2111K and NURS 1101
Lecture hours: 4
Lab hours: 6
NURS 1112 - Adult Health II (ASN) (7 Credits)
Adult Health II places emphasis on the adult learner's development of increasing knowledge and personal responsibility and ethical behavior in the care of adult patients. Common health care alterations which are chronic in nature and that may require surgical intervention are emphasized. Course content focuses on evidence based practice, patient centered care, informatics, teamwork and quality improvement. Supervised clinical experiences provide adult learners with opportunities to refine safe, ethical nursing practice. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2412K or BIOL 2112K and NURS 1111 and NURS 1105
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 6
NURS 1232 - Pre-Nursing Seminar (2 Credits)
This course introduces nursing and health care history and theoretical framework, including Albany State University's nursing framework. Various theories of nursing and healthcare are explored. The role of the healthcare professional including the nurse is analyzed. Proficiencies supporting the role of the healthcare professional are explored and adopted. Offered: All Semesters.
Lecture hours: 2
NURS 1301 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Bridge) (4 Credits)
This course provides a fundamental foundation for the profession of nursing. The adult learner will be exposed to patient centered care model, teamwork, evidence-based practice and informatics with an emphasis on quality improvement. Principles of medication calculation and safe administration are emphasized. Development of personal responsibility and ethical behavior related to the profession of basic nursing skills will be acquired through supervised lab performance and selected clinical rotations. Offered: First semester, Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge program.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2111K or BIOL 2411K
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 3
NURS 1311 - Adult Health II (Bridge) (7 Credits)
The course emphasizes quality and safety in nursing education core competencies, as it relates to the provision of patient centered care to people experiencing respiratory, circulatory, renal, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal and neurological alterations. Common health care alterations which are chronic in nature and that may require surgical intervention are emphasized. Teamwork, informatics, quality improvement and evidence based practice are essential components in the course. Development of personal responsibility and ethical behavior is acquired through supervised lab performances and clinical experiences with selected patients. Offered: Second semester, Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge; as needed.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2412K or BIOL 2112K and NURS 1301 and NURS 2313
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 6
NURS 2111 - Nursing Care of Women and Children (ASN) (8 Credits)
This course explores the roles of the nurse in safely providing quality, patient centered care within an interdisciplinary structure to meet the needs of families who have children. Applies principles of health promotion from the antepartal period through adolescence and examines human growth, development and resopnses to health deviation during these periods in the life cycle. Patient centered care and quality improvement are the central focus in the couse. Informatics is emphasized when providing safe patient care. Classroom and clinical instruction involves providing nursing care to antepartal, intrapartal, postpartal and pediatric patients and incorporating evidence based practice and previously learned knowledge and skills. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 1112 and NURS 2113
Lecture hours: 6
Lab hours: 6
NURS 2113 - Psychiatric Nursing (ASN) (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the physiological, emotional, behavioral and sociocultural aspects of mental health and mental illness. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the behavioral health team is introduced. The course content is centered on evidence based practice and quality improvement. Informatics is a component in the course. The clinical rotations give the adult learner the opportunity to apply this knowledge to provide safe, effective patient centered care in a therapeutic milieu. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 1111
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 3
NURS 2115 - Adult Health III (ASN) (8 Credits)
The final course in the Nursing program is designed to emphasize care of patients with complex acute as well as chronic multisystem disorders and medical-surgical alterations. Supervised clinical experiences in high acuity unit will facilitate continued growth of student’s professional practice. Components of the course include: patient centered care, evidence based practice, collaboration, informatics and quality improvement. Supervised leadership roles in the clinical arena are provided for the students to enhance their management skill while directing their colleagues in providing safe patient care that meets entry level standards. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 9
NURS 2116 - Comprehensive Capstone Review ASN Directed Study (3 Credits)
This 8-week course provides a comprehensive review of curriculum content for the successful first-attempt NCLEX licensure examination. Additionally, this course emphasizes relevant skills such as test-taking, critical thinking, and deductive and inductive reasoning. Students enrolled in this course participate in formalized NCLEX preparatory components and activities. NURS 2116 also introduces vital entry workplace basics for beginner level Associate of Science in Nursing students. Offered in 5th semester.
Prerequisites: NURS 2111 or NURS 2311
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 2117 - Nursing Leadership (ASN) (1 Credit)
Emphasis is placed on the introduction of the fundamental principles of leadership and management responsibilities for the entry level registered nurse. Topics will include, but not limited to such practice issues as: safe, patient centered, quality care, effective delegation and supervision, communication, collaborative care, informatics, quality improvement. Nursing research and evidence based practice are also included. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 1111 and NURS 1112
Lecture hours: 1
NURS 2210 - Pharmacology (BSN) (3 Credits)
This course introduces the student to pharmacological concepts and measurements and includes such topics as medication dosage, calculations, interaction with drugs or foods, medication administration and intravenous therapy. Offered: Fall.
Corequisites: NURS 2231
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 2231 - Fundamental Concepts of Professional Nursing (BSN) (7 Credits)
This course is designed to provide further exploration of the theoretical framework and major conceptual threads of the nursing curriculum. The student applies the concepts of person, health, environment and nursing along with ethical/legal aspects to lab and clinical practice. Emphasis will be placed on assessment and primary interventions related to health promotion, health maintenance and disease prevention. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 6
NURS 2311 - Nursing Care of Women and Children (Bridge) (6 Credits)
This course explores the roles of the nurse in safely providing quality, patient centered care within an interdisciplinary structure to meet the needs of families who have children. Applies principles of health promotion from the antepartal period through adolescence and examines human growth, development and responses to health deviation during these periods in the life cycle. Patient centered care and quality improvement are the central focus in the course. Informatics is emphasized when providing safe patient care. Classroom and clinical instruction involves providing nursing care to antepartal, intrapartal, postpartal and pediatric patients and incorporating evidence based practice and previously learned knowledge and skills. Offered: Third semester, Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge; as needed.
Prerequisites: (NURS 1311 and NURS 2313)
Lecture hours: 4
Lab hours: 6
NURS 2313 - Psychiatric Nursing (Bridge) (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the physiological, emotional, behavioral and sociocultural aspects of mental health and mental illness. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the behavioral health team is introduced. The course content is centered on evidence based practice and quality improvement. Informatics is a component in the course. The clinical rotations give the adult learner the opportunity to apply this knowledge to provide safe, effective patient centered care in a therapeutic milieu. Offered: First semester, Healthcare-Professional-to-RN Bridge; as needed.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2111K or BIOL 2411K
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 3
NURS 2331 - Adult Health Nursing I (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course emphasizes the responses of individuals experiencing physical and emotional illnesses with emphasis on the nurse's role in health restoration, maintenance and promotion. This course incorporates clinical decision making in a variety of health care settings. Offered: Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 2231
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 2601 - Introduction to Geriatric Nursing (BSN) (2 Credits)
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge of nursing students regarding nursing care of the aged client. It may be taught online or face-to-face. Offered: Summer.
Lecture hours: 2
NURS 3134 - Pediatric Nursing (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course examines the responses of children and their families to selected acute and chronic physical deviations in health with emphasis on the nurse's role in health restoration, maintenance, and promotion. Offered: Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 3136 - Women's Health Nursing (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course covers nursing theories and skills related to health promotion and health maintenance of childbearing women and selected women's health concerns. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: NURS 3335
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 3197 - Professional Nursing Practice (3 Credits)
This course is designed to enhance and facilitate the development of the RN student to the role of a BSN prepared professional nurse. The focus is on developing personal and professional growth to promote better advocacy, critical thinking, educator skills, effective communication, and leadership abilities in a complex healthcare environment. Course content includes concepts from historical contributions and theories that have guided the profession, to promoting professional philosophies, visions, and practices to help prepare for future trends in healthcare. Topics relate to culture and diversity, professional ethics, political and legal issues in nursing, and technology. Students will apply knowledge of standards of practice, evidence-based practice, and caring science to course topics. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3297 - Nursing Research Application (3 Credits)
This course is designed to enhance and facilitate the development of the RN student to the role of a BSN prepared professional nurse. The focus is on developing personal and professional growth to promote better advocacy, critical thinking, educator skills, effective communication, and leadership abilities in a complex healthcare environment. Course content includes concepts from historical contributions and theories that have guided the profession, to promoting professional philosophies, visions, and practices to help prepare for future trends in healthcare. Topics relate to culture and diversity, professional ethics, political and legal issues in nursing, and technology. Students will apply knowledge of standards of practice, evidence-based practice, and caring science to course topics. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3320 - Pathophysiology (BSN) (3 Credits)
A survey of the fundamentals of pathology with emphasis on anatomical, physiological, and clinical processes across the life span. Offered: Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3335 - Mental Health Nursing (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course is an introduction to the application of nursing concepts and principles in the maintenance and promotion of emotional and mental health of individuals, families, groups and populations. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 3397 - Health Assessment (3 Credits)
This course is a study of the advanced knowledge and skills beyond the Associates’ degree in Nursing, designed to enhance health assessment for nursing practice in the care of individuals across the lifespan. Theory and skills essential to completing a comprehensive and holistic health history and physical examination are emphasized. In addition, the holistic delivery of care will include cultural, spiritual, nutritional, alternative, complementary therapies, and health promotion for the delivery of safe and person-centered care. The importance of comprehensive and accurate documentation as a tool for effective communication amongst the interdisciplinary team is reviewed. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3510 - Assessment in Health Care (BSN) (2,3 Credits)
This course promotes the development of assessment skills across the life span and requires successful performance of a complete physical examination. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 3600 - Nursing Informatics (RN-to-BSN) (3 Credits)
This course examines the history of healthcare informatics, current issues, basic informatics concepts and health information management systems. The use of technology to help make decisions and to improve the health status of the individual, family, and community is emphasized. Students will apply informatics concepts to a current clinical practice setting suggesting methods to use technology to improve patient safety and work effectiveness. The student will also learn to identify, gather, process, and manage information/data. Corequisites: None. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3620 - Pathophysiology for RNs (RN-to-BSN) (3 Credits)
This course examines in detail the underlying biological process involved in the development, evolution, manifestations, and complications of common clinical deficits (diseases) across the life span, and compares normal and abnormal states. The biological bases for therapeutic actions are examined. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 3650 - Health and Wellness of Aging (RN-to-BSN) (3 Credits)
This course will provide the student with comprehensive evidence-based nursing protocols to be used in providing the highest level of care to adults in settings across the continuum. Aging is presented within a cultural and global context in recognition of diversity of all kinds and the health inequities which persist. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 4111 - Directed Study (1-5 Credits)
When completed as an optional elective, this course requires student investigation of a nursing problem under faculty supervision. NURS 4111: Directed Student (NCLEX Prep) is a required 3 credit hour variation of this course that serves as a B term continuation of the student's licensure preparation (a companion to NURS 4345). This course is designed to further strengthen the student's ability to successfully meet licensure requirements--specifically regarding the NCLEX examination--for professional nursing practice shortly following graduation by providing in-depth critique and assessment of basic nursing content including multi-system disorders and ensuring an appropriate laboratory support environment for the student's practice and role acquisition. Offered: Spring (B-term as NCLEX Prep) OR as needed.
Lecture hours: 5
Lab hours: 15
NURS 4131 - Research (BSN) (3 Credits)
An introduction to the research process in nursing and health care as a basis for utilization in clinical decision making. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 4140 - Principles of Leadership and Management (BSN) (1-2 Credits)
This is a course in leadership, management, and organizational theories. Additionally, this course integrates nursing and related theories through simulated clinical learning activities. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: NURS 4131
Lecture hours: 1-2
NURS 4240 - Community Health Nursing (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course includes the application of community health nursing principles in the care of vulnerable populations. Offered: Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 4342 - Adult Health Nursing II (BSN) (5 Credits)
Clinical practice allows utilization of leadership and management skills in preparation for the role of a professional nurse. This is a clinical practicum which allows the student an opportunity to apply leadership principles and management skills in a variety of work/health care environments. Student develops individual goals and objectives for clinical experiences which serve to establish a basis for content reviews during planned seminars. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: NURS 2331
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 4345 - Senior Comprehensive Nursing (BSN) (5 Credits)
This course is designed to strengthen the student's ability to successfully meet licensure requirements for professional nursing practice shortly following graduation by providing in-depth critique and assessment of basic nursing content including multi-system disorders and ensuring an appropriate laboratory support environment for the student's practice and role acquisition. Offered: Spring, A-Term.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 6
NURS 4497 - Community Health Nursing (3 Credits)
This course is designed to examine the concepts and principles of community and population health nursing. The course will provide an overview of health issues that transcend borders, class, race, ethnicity, and culture. Emphasis is placed on roles, levels of prevention, principles of epidemiology, public health policy, and disaster preparedness. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 4498 (may be taken concurrently)
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 4498 - Community Health Nursing Practicum (1 Credit)
This course is designed to examine the concepts and principles of community and population health nursing. The course will provide an overview of health issues that transcend borders, class, race, ethnicity, and culture. Emphasis is placed on roles, levels of prevention, principles of epidemiology, public health policy, and disaster preparedness. Offered: Fall, Spring Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 4497 (may be taken concurrently)
Lab hours: 1
NURS 4597 - Leadership & Management (3 Credits)
This course introduces the leadership roles and management functions of professional registered nurses within the structure of an organization. The management process provides the foundational structure for the course, while the theoretical framework for this course is established through exploration of leadership styles, organizational theory, and management theory. Quality assurance and the provision of evidence-based, patient- centered care and collaborative relationships are emphasized. The impact of political and legislative processes, the integration of informatics, and the legal and ethical issues in management are also discussed. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 4598 (may be taken concurrently)
Lecture hours: 3
NURS 4598 - Leadership & Management Practicum (2 Credits)
This is a clinical/lab course in leadership and management. The course has an emphasis on ethical practices on all levels of interactions within the healthcare team that is providing nursing care to vulnerable populations. Students will expand professional leadership skills while developing and implementing a change project within a healthcare setting. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: NURS 4597 (may be taken concurrently)
Lab hours: 2