Educational Admin (EDAS)

EDAS 6655. The Principal as Instructional Leader. (3 Credits)

This is an advanced course in school administration for students in the Education Specialist Performance-Based Program specializing in building level administration. Although some emphasis will be placed on management and structure of the school, the major focus in on the role of the principal in creating and maintaining a program of instructional excellence. Thus, every facet of the course will lead to creating a school leader who is able and willing to promote student achievement.

EDAS 6685. School and Community Relations. (3 Credits)

Students study school-community relations and their impact on the school operation. Emphasis is on the influence of the social forces on the school.

EDAS 6710. The Superintendent. (3 Credits)

This course is an intensive study of Research literature on the School Superintendent. The Executive Leadership responsibilities, roles, and styles with references on superintendent and school-board relationship will be considered. This course is part of a Performance-Based Educational Specialist Program. One hundred percent of the Activities and Assessments for this course are Performance-Based.

EDAS 6711. Software Systems in educational Administration. (3 Credits)

Students examine administrative computer software currently used in Georgia school systems such as pupil accounting, grade reporting, grade posting, food service accounting, class scheduling, discipline records, communication systems, multimedia presentation systems, activity fund accounting, general fund accounting, personnel records, purchasing, bus scheduling, maintenance and repair scheduling, payroll, budgeting and balance sheet preparation.

EDAS 6719. Residency I Building Level. (6 Credits)

Candidates acquire building level administrative experience under a practicing supervisor /administrator. This course is part of a Performance-Based Educational Specialist program. One hundred percent of the activities/assessments for this Course are performance-based. This course is designed for Ed.S. candidates to maximize opportunities and practices and refine their skills in building level administration. The experiences of this course include the beginning of an Administrative Preparation Portfolio for the candidate to document and record progress toward meeting Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Standards and Board of Regents (BOR) Performance Strands for Specialists’ Level preparation, assess needs and complete performance-based experiences in an authentic building level setting. These experiences will lead to the Residency II EDAS 6769.