Visual and Performing Arts
As part of the Department of Arts and Humanities, the Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts includes the option of the following specialty areas: Art, Music, Music Education, and Theatre and minors in Art, Dance, Music, Music Industry, and Theatre. The Associate of Arts degree is also available with pathways to art, music, and theatre. The department also provides non-major courses in art, music, theatre, and dance in support of the liberal arts curriculum requirements of the University.
Visual Arts Concentrations
The Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts degree with a concentration in Visual Art offers studio workshops in drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, graphics, and photography, as well as art history survey courses. The students learn a broad range of technical skills and professional practices through instruction and experiential learning. Visual Art students also have opportunities for interacting with visiting artists and arts professionals, hands on learning through organized exhibitions, and travel opportunities. Potential Art majors seeking admittance into the discipline must submit a portfolio of previous work for review and approval before major status is granted. Additionally, for acceptance into and graduation from the discipline, each student must have, and thereafter maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or better. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in each art course. Majors must complete the departmental exit examination and a senior exhibit.
Music Concentration
The Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing degree with a concentration in music offers applied concentrations in voice, piano, strings, wind instruments, and percussion. The program also offers courses in music theory, form and analysis, music history, and literature with emphasis on performance, leading to further study at the graduate or professional level. Participation in performance organizations relative to the student’s area of applied specialty is also required. Music majors may enter the discipline either at the freshman or transfer level. It is important for entering freshman music majors to identify themselves before or upon registration, as there are music division entrance requirements. It is important that potential music majors immediately become enrolled in the proper sequential theory and applied classes which begin at the freshman level. Transfer students will enter at a stage commensurate with their level of proficiency and prior instruction. For acceptance into major vocal or instrumental applied courses students must have had prior instruction and demonstrate requisite proficiency via an audition before the music faculty. A second juried audition prior to acceptance into junior level applied courses is also required. Candidates for graduation must perform junior and senior recitals. Additionally, for acceptance into and graduation from the discipline, each student must have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or better. All majors must earn a minimum grade of C in each music course. Majors must take the Departmental Exit Exam.
Music Education Concentration
The music education program will offer study leading to The Bachelor of Arts degree with applied concentrations in one of the following categories: choral/vocal, instrumental/piano. Degree requirements will be completed primarily in the music area of the Department of Arts and Humanities, however, the teaching certification will be earned through the School of Education. Curriculum components of the program of study are
- Area A-E - University Core Courses,
- Area F - Courses Related to the Major,
- Area G - Major Requirements; and
- Area H - Teacher Education Courses.
In order to be admitted to the Music Education Program, students must first meet all college admittance requirements. Additionally, students must audition on a major instrument or voice for acceptance into the program, and must meet the requirements of the College of Education for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
The non-course requirements include:
- A 2.5 GPA
- Passing the GACE I Exam (for full admittance into the Teacher Education Program and to be able to student teach).
- Passing of GACE II (required for student teaching and graduation).
- Beginning School Experience (two-week internship at one of the public schools during the first two weeks of school).
- Student membership in the College Music Educators National Conference (CMENC), and the National Education Association (NEA) or the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE).
Theatre Concentration
The Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts with a concentration in Theatre is designed to provide maximum flexibility in meeting the varied interests and career objectives of its students. The Theatre concentration has specific requirements, i.e., dramatic performances, qualifying examinations, and oral presentations. Theatre majors are required to have a grade point average of 2.25 or better to enter and exit the program in Theatre. A grade of C or better is required in all major courses. Majors must also complete the Departmental Exit Examination.
Minors in Visual and Performing Arts
The Visual Art Minor requires eighteen (18) credit hours of lower and upper level prescribed courses. The Associates Degree in Core Curriculum with a transfer Pathway to Art requires the completion of the core curriculum plus the prescribed area F in the art discipline.
The Music Industry Minor is designed to meet the needs of students who are interested in a career in one of the many areas of the music industry, including merchandising, sales, manufacturing, publication, recording, and arts management. The music industry minor places emphasis on both music and business courses and is open to students in other majors who have some background in music. The Music Industry minor requires fifteen (15) credit hours of lower and upper level prescribed courses in music, music industry, and business.
The Music Minor requires eighteen (18) credit hours of lower and upper level prescribed courses. The Associates Degree in Core Curriculum with a transfer Pathway to Music requires the completion of the core curriculum plus the prescribed area F in the music discipline.
Programs in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Degree information for the Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum with an Art Transfer Pathway
Degree information for the Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum with a Dance Transfer Pathway
Degree information for the Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum with a Music Transfer Pathway
Degree information for the Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum with a Theater Transfer Pathway
ARTS 1001 - Design I-Fundamentals of Design (3 Credits)
This course involves the fundamentals of two-dimensional design introduced through projects in a variety of media. The course is composed of several projects that will emphasize the visual and intellectual aspects of form, visual awareness, analytical thinking, craftsmanship, use of media and techniques, and the application of design principles. Prerequisites: None Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 1031 - Drawing I-Basic Drawing (3 Credits)
Introduction to the techniques, materials and principles of drawing with an emphasis on observational drawing. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 1100 - Art Appreciation (3 Credits)
Selected examples of work from a cross section of historical and contemporary visual art forms will be examined in terms of our evolving visual vocabulary. Attention to contributions of cultures, past and present. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 1102 - Introduction to Visual and Performing Arts (1 Credit)
A general introduction and study of the history and literature of music, the visual arts, and the dramatic arts. Taught in three segments: art, music and the dramatic arts, respectively, the course will provide a developmental overview of creativity and scholarship in each area of discipline. Also, the course features exposure to and discussion about a selection of the most representative masterworks from each of the disciplines. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 1
ARTS 2002 - Design II-Fundamentals of Design (3 Credits)
Further development of concepts begun in Design I, plus introduction to three-dimensional design. Emphasis is given to working creatively with hand tools in a variety of materials and techniques. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 2032 - Drawing II-Intermediate Drawing (3 Credits)
A continuation of principles and concepts explored in Drawing I. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 2051 - Painting I (3 Credits)
Study of form, space, value, color, composition. Painting from man-made forms, natural forms, and imagination, the student will acquire a working knowledge of form control and development. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: (ARTS 2002 and ARTS 2032)
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 2101 - Sculpture I-Basic Sculpture (3 Credits)
Study of elementary sculptural form and techniques. Explores and uses a variety of materials. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 2111 - Photography I (3 Credits)
A studio course designed for the student who has advanced beyond the basic art structure courses and wishes to explore various media in order to develop skills, techniques, and a higher level of expertise. Prerequisites: None. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 2280 - Art History Survey I (3 Credits)
This lecture course explores the history of the visual arts from the Prehistoric Period through Northern Renaissance. Topics include a study of the visual arts, painting, sculpture, architecture, and related arts, against the background of cultural, political, and economic development. Prerequisite: None. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 2285 - Art History Survey II (3 Credits)
This lecture course explores the history of the visual arts from the Baroque Period through the twentieth century with major focus on epochs of Western art history. Topics include painting, architecture, sculpture, and design. Prerequisite: None. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 3052 - Painting II-Intermediate Painting (3 Credits)
Continued exploration and experimentation with the formal problems and concepts developed in Painting I. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: ARTS 2051
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3081 - Ceramics I-Introduction to Ceramic Art (3 Credits)
Introduction to the materials, tools and techniques of ceramics. Emphasis on hand- building techniques. Major Restriction. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3082 - Ceramics II (3 Credits)
Continuation of Ceramics I with emphasis on decoration and glazes, firing and other building or forming techniques. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3102 - Sculpture II (3 Credits)
Continuation of Sculpture I. Emphasis will be placed on the use of the imagination on the development of more expressive sculptural form. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3111 - Photography II (3 Credits)
Builds on the fundamentals taught in Photography I and includes instruction with special assignments in visual perception, editing, and theme. A lecture component will address the history of photography and an examination of the functions of studio lighting, color correction, as well as working with video and time-based media. Assignments will require the production and alteration of digital photographs that will evidence mastery of specific skill sets, including camera operation, scanning processes, lighting, image editing, digital workflow, and output for printing and posting. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3201 - Graphics I (3 Credits)
Introduction to the basic techniques, procedures and processes of graphic expression. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 3202 - Graphics II (3 Credits)
Continuation of Graphics I. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4065 - Special Problems in Painting (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of painting. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisite: Approval of the Department Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4066 - Special Problems in Sculpture (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of sculpture. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Major restriction. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4067 - Special Problems in Graphics (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of graphics. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4068 - Special Problems in Drawing (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of drawing. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department of Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Restricted for Art majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: ARTS 2032
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4069 - Special Problems in Art History (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of art history. For minors and senior majors. Prerequisite: Approval of the Department Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: ARTS 4403
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4070 - Special Problems in Ceramics (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of ceramics. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department of Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4071 - Special Problems in Design (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of design. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department of Chairperson and a supervising teacher. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4072 - Special Problems in Techniques and Materials (3 Credits)
Intensive individual exploration in the area of techniques and materials. For minor and senior majors. Prerequisites: Approval of the Department of Chairperson and a supervising teacher Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4201 - Watercolor (3 Credits)
Exploration of the aquarelle technique. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: ARTS 2032
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4202 - Special Problems in Photography (3 Credits)
This course addresses the theory and applications of digital photography, emphasizing the differences between new digital imaging processes and traditional photographic techniques. A lecture component will address the history of photography and an examination of the functions of light, color, and time as the crucial elements in capturing and image photographically (digital or analog). Assignments will require the production and alteration of digital photographs that will evidence mastery of specific skill sets, including camera operation, scanning processes, lighting, image editing, digital workflow, and output for print or posting. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 3
ARTS 4403 - Modern Art History (3 Credits)
Study of modern art and of the artist and developments which helped shape the field from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods until today. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 4406 - African-American Art (3 Credits)
Study of sources, prototypes and uses from such aspects as the philosophical, critical, visual, relevant to the history and development of African-American Art. Offered alternate years. Offered: Fall, Spring.
ARTS 4407 - Women in Art (3 Credits)
A survey course on women’s contributions to art with emphasis on the changing roles, and attitudes towards, women as artists, teachers of art, etc., including a consideration of how women challenged the traditional arts hierarchy with things like the Arts and Crafts Movement. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 4408 - Arts and Culture Internship (3 Credits)
This course is required for completion of the Museum Studies minor area of study, or it can be taken as an elective course to complete the major requirements for Visual Arts. The Arts and Cultural internship introduces students to museum environments in their aspiring professional careers with an opportunity to gain valuable insights into actual organizational and managerial practices and operations. It enables students to integrate their academic experiences with the expectations of their future professional careers and provides them with practical experiences in museum and museum-related fields. Students must be familiar with the course syllabus, including Internship Guidelines. This is a pass/fail course.
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior or Senior.
Other hours: 3
ARTS 4501 - Museum and Exhibition Studies (3 Credits)
Engage students in foundation-building activities and discussions regarding professional practices of artists, designers, and museum professionals. Students investigate the role of artists and designers in society. The course introduces the history and philosophy of museums and investigates the socioeconomic and political ramifications of making and exhibiting objects. We will specifically investigate the main functions of museums – collection and care of objects, exhibits, interpretation, education, and governance.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 4502 - Senior Seminar (3 Credits)
Senior. Continued study of the world of art, exhibitions, museums, galleries, etc. Student will also prepare and present a comprehensive exhibition of his or her work.
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 4601 - Seminar I (3 Credits)
Study of current problems, trends, developments and personalities in the arts. Students will also utilize this class to develop a portfolio of their work. Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of Department. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lecture hours: 3
ARTS 4602 - Seminar II (3 Credits)
Senior. Continued study of the world of art, exhibitions, museums, galleries, etc. Student will also prepare and present a comprehensive exhibition of his or her work. Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of Department Chairperson. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lecture hours: 3
DANC 1000 - Dance Performance (1 Credit)
Dance Performance I is open to all students pursuing an AA with Dance Emphasis or a Dance Minor or have an interest in dance performance or dance production. Performance students must audition for choreographic works. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. Offered: Spring, On Demand.
Lab hours: 1
DANC 1100 - Dance Appreciation (3 Credits)
This course surveys all aspects of dance as an art form, exploring related roles of the dancer, choreographer and spectator through historical inquiry, aesthetic perspectives, basic dance elements, and the creative process. Course material will be presented through a series of lectures, videos, historical and critical readings, discussions, reflective analytical writing, and actual movement experience. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
DANC 1400 - Dance Production (2 Credits)
This course should be to be selected by students pursing an Associate of Arts Degree with a Dance Emphasis. Dance Production is an introduction to the basic aspects of dance production, including technical vocabulary used by the theater technicians, music, costuming, stage make up, lighting, management, programming, and publicity. Offered: On Demand.
Prerequisites: DANC 1500
Lab hours: 2
DANC 1600 - Dance Improvisation (1 Credit)
This course should be to be selected by students pursing an Associate of Arts Degree with a Dance Emphasis. Dance Improvisation explores movement initiated through various sources, including internal motivation. This course emphasizes individual and group interaction within structured and free improvisational situations for the purpose of developing the student’s creative approach to composing and performing. Offered: On Demand.
Lab hours: 2
DANC 1740 - Modern Dance I (1 Credit)
Modern Dance I introduces elementary modern dance technique and vocabulary. This course is designed for students with no or minimal dance experience, and emphasizes techniques basic to this dance form, plus somatic and motional properties as they relate to dance. Special emphasis is placed on dynamic alignment, sensing, and activating weight in the body, body awareness, increasing the student’s ease and range of motion, balance, coordination, and personal expression. Movement explorations take place on the floor, standing and in sequenced movements through space. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: Fall, Spring, On Demand.
Lab hours: 1
DANC 1750 - Modern Dance II (1 Credit)
Modern Dance II continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary. Special emphasis is placed on beginning and intermediate-level dynamic alignment, sensing and activating weight in the body, body awareness, increasing the student's ease and range of motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take place on the floor, standing and in sequenced movements through space. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: on demand.
Prerequisites: DANC 1740
Lab hours: 1
DANC 1760 - Modern Dance III (2 Credits)
Ballet I focuses on the development of elementary technical skills in ballet, including directions of the body, alignment, function and access of turnout, strength, flexibility, and use of the French ballet lexicon, with emphasis on safe and efficient body use. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1750
Lab hours: 2
DANC 1840 - Ballet I (1 Credit)
Ballet Technique I focuses on the development of elementary technical skills in ballet, including directions of the body, alignment, function and access of turnout, strength, flexibility, and use of the French ballet lexicon, with emphasis on safe and efficient body use. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lab hours: 1
DANC 1850 - Ballet II (1 Credit)
This course should be to be selected by students pursing an Associate of Arts Degree with a Dance Emphasis. Ballet III focuses on the development of intermediate level technical skills, with focus on petit and grande allegro, adage, accessing of turnout, strength, flexibility, and use of the French ballet lexicon, with emphasis on safe and efficient body use. There is also greater focus on and expectation of musicality when dancing. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of four credit hours. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1840
Lab hours: 1
DANC 1860 - Ballet III (2 Credits)
Expands appreciation of ballet as a creative art form. focuses on ballet technique, while emphasizing increased flexibility, strength, and coordination. reviews dance phrase combinations by integrating rhythm, dynamics and movement. Offered: on demand.
Lab hours: 2
DANC 1900 - Dance Composition (3 Credits)
Dance Composition is designed to allow the student to investigate movement affinities and to discover new movement through solo and small group compositions. Studies examine the basic elements of dance - the body in time space and dynamics, as well as the use of music with movement. Students must develop their compositions into fully choreographed pieces. These choreographic works must be presented in a dance production. This course emphasizes personal coaching and critiques, and peer feedback, within a nurturing and experimental environment. Offered: on demand.
Prerequisites: DANC 1600
Lecture hours: 3
DANC 2000 - Dance Performance II (1 Credit)
Dance Performance is open to all students pursuing a dance minor or have an interest in dance performance or dance production. Performance students must audition for choreographic works. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Corequisites: DANC 2750, DANC 2850
Lab hours: 1
DANC 2100 - History of Black Dance in the United States (3 Credits)
This course covers the origins and development of Black dance, ritual and social components of dance in early cultures, as well as the evolution of Black dance as a theatrical art form. This course is a survey of dance in its various contexts; early dance as prayer and celebration; dance as a component of theatre and opera; the Black contribution to or the formation of codified techniques—ballet, modern, jazz and tap; dance in film; music videos and commercial dance; integration of traditional cultural dance in modern and ballet; and the evolution of hip hop cultural dance. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1101
Lecture hours: 3
DANC 2400 - Dance Production Seminar (2 Credits)
This course is an introduction to the basic aspects of dance production, including technical vocabulary used by the theater technicians, music, costuming, stage make up, lighting, management, programming, and publicity. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lab hours: 2
DANC 2750 - Modern Dance Technique II (1 Credit)
Modern Dance II continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary. Special emphasis is placed on beginning and intermediate-level dynamic alignment, sensing and activating weight in the body, body awareness, increasing the student's ease and range of motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take place on the floor, standing and in sequenced movements through space. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1740
Lab hours: 1
DANC 2850 - Ballet Technique II (1 Credit)
Ballet Technique II focuses on the development of intermediate technical skills in ballet, including safe and efficient alignment and clear articulation of movement vocabulary, with emphasis on increased vocabulary and musicality, alignment, function and access of turnout, strength, flexibility. This course will also include directions of the body, and use of the French ballet lexicon. This course may be used as a PE activity course. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1840
Lab hours: 1
DANC 3000 - Dance Performance III (1 Credit)
Dance Performance is open to all students pursuing a dance minor or have an interest in dance performance or dance production. Performance students must audition for choreographic works. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 3760 or DANC 3761 or DANC 3860 or DANC 3861
Corequisites: DANC 3760, DANC 3761, DANC 3860, DANC 3861
Lab hours: 1
DANC 3760 - Modern Dance Technique III (2 Credits)
Modern Dance III continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary. Special emphasis is placed on intermediate level dynamic alignment, sensing and activating weight in the body, body awareness, increase the student's ease and range of motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take place on the floor, standing, and in sequenced movements through space. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 2750
Lab hours: 2
DANC 3860 - Ballet Technique III (2 Credits)
Ballet Technique III focuses on the development of intermediate level technical skills, with focus on petit and grande allegro, adage, accessing of turnout, strength, flexibility, and use of the French ballet lexicon, with emphasis on safe and efficient body use. There is also greater focus on and expectation of musicality when dancing. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1840
Lab hours: 2
DANC 3900 - Dance Composition Seminar (3 Credits)
Dance Composition is designed to allow the student to investigate movement affinities and to discover new movement through solo and small group compositions. Studies examine the basic elements of dance - the body in time space and dynamics, as well as the use of music with movement. Students must develop their compositions into fully choreographed pieces. These choreographic works must be presented in a dance production. This course emphasizes personal coaching and critiques, and peer feedback, within a nurturing and experimental environment. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 1600
Lecture hours: 1
Lab hours: 2
DANC 4000 - Dance Performance IV (1 Credit)
Dance Performance is open to all students pursuing a dance minor or have an interest in dance performance or dance production. Performance students must audition for choreographic works. This course may be taken two semesters to a maximum of two credit hours. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Corequisites: DANC 4770, DANC 4870
Lab hours: 1
DANC 4100 - World Dance History (3 Credits)
World Dance History investigates dance as a reflection of culture, ancient to present times, through the consideration of socio-cultural influences and the contribution of individual artists. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: ENGL 2111 or ENGL 2112 or ENGL 2121 or ENGL 2122 or ENGL 2131 or ENGL 2132 or ENGL 2141 or ENGL 2142
Lecture hours: 3
DANC 4770 - Modern Dance Technique IV (2 Credits)
Modern Dance IV continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary. Special emphasis is placed on advanced level dynamic alignment, sensing and activating weight in the body, body awareness, increase the student's ease and range of motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take place on the floor, standing, and in sequenced movement through space. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 3760
Lab hours: 2
DANC 4870 - Ballet Technique IV (2 Credits)
Ballet Technique IV is an advanced level course that focuses on the use and development of technical skills, with concentration on dynamics, artistry, and musicality in petit and grande allegro, adage. This course is designed for students who have a functional understanding of turnout, strength, flexibiity, and the French ballet lexicon. Advanced level ballet continues focus on the safe and efficient use of the body. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: DANC 3860
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 1001 - Class Piano I (1 Credit)
For those who did not qualify for college-level piano study, and for voice and instrumental music majors who do not meet the requirements for MUSC 1004. Emphasizes rudiments of piano technique, keyboard, harmonization and transposition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1002 - Class Piano II (1 Credit)
For those who did not qualify for college-level piano study, and for voice and instrumental music majors who do not meet the requirements for MUSC 1004. Emphasizes rudiments of piano technique, keyboard, harmonization and transposition, and intensive sight-reading drills. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1001
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1004 - Functional Piano Class (1 Credit)
Primarily for majors in voice or instrumental music. Others who qualify may take the course with permission of the instructor. Emphasizing development of technique, harmonization, transposition and sight reading to the level at which it can be used as an efficient tool in school music teaching. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1002
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1005 - Functional Piano Class (1 Credit)
Primarily for majors in voice or instrumental music. Others who qualify may take the course with permission of the instructor. Emphasizing development of technique, harmonization, transposition, and sight reading to the level at which it can be used as an efficient tool in school music teaching. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1002
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1007 - Concert and Recitals Attendance (0 Credits)
Each student registered for this course must attend 80% of the designated concerts and/or master classes (in which he or she is not a performer), chosen from a list posted in the Fine Arts Department office at the beginning of each semester. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 1021 - Elementary Harmony and Musicianship (3 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. Basic training in fundamentals, terminology, and principles of music theory. Beginning study of diatonic harmony, part- writing, composition and analysis. Also includes keyboard harmony. Required of all music majors. Departmental Approval. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 1022 - Elementary Harmony and Musicianship (3 Credits)
Basic training in fundamentals, terminology, and principles of music theory. Beginning study of diatonic harmony, part- writing, composition and analysis. Also includes key- board harmony. Required of all music majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1021
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 1061 - College Orchestra 1 (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of freshmen students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1062 - College Orchestra II (1 Credit)
This course involves the continued study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of freshmen students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1070 - College Orchestra I (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. Repertory includes wide range of orchestral music representing all styles and periods. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants, but is challenging. May be taken each semester and repeated for credit. This class meets the large performance ensemble requirements for orchestral string students. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall and Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1071 - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
For music majors with piano as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous piano instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1072 - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
For music majors with piano as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous piano instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Departmental approval Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1100 - Music Appreciation (3 Credits)
General education course for non-music majors. Study of the basic materials of music and a survey of important examples of music literature, style periods, and representative composers from the sixth century to the present day. Emphasizes techniques for listening analytically and critically. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 1111 - Voice Class (1 Credit)
Group vocal instruction. Includes study and development of basic principles of healthy singing: breathing, tone production, diction, proper habits of posture. Stage presence and deportment are also emphasized. Required of all instrumental music and piano majors. May be taken by non-music majors.
Other hours: 2
MUSC 1112 - Voice Class (1 Credit)
Group vocal instruction. Includes study and development of the basic principles of healthy singing: breathing, tone production, diction, proper habits of posture. Stage presence and deportment are also emphasized. Required of all instrumental music and piano majors. May be taken non-music majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1111
MUSC 1113 - Class Voice (1 Credit)
Class singing instruction designed for students who have little or no prior individual vocal instruction. The class introduces the student to beginning vocal technique in such areas as posture, breath management, correct vowel formation, English and Italian diction, rhythm, and pitch. The course also includes instruction in practicing and preparing songs for public performance. Students are expected to sing individually as well as with the group during class time and for the final exam. All music will be performed during class or during the scheduled final exam. No public performance is required. Students may repeat this class for credit until they complete the objectives of the course. Class voice does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a degree in music. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Other hours: 1
MUSC 1115 - Class Piano/Non-Majors (Beg) (1 Credit)
Lecture hours: 1
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1120 - Class (begiinning) Guitar for (3 Credits)
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 1123 - Introduction to World Music (2 Credits)
Primarily for music education majors, this course may be taken by others who have passed MUSC 1100. Introduction and general survey of music of the world's cultures. Offered: Spring.
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 1133 - Introduction to Music Literature (3 Credits)
Primarily for music majors, this course may be taken by others who have some musical background and have passed MUSC 1100. Intensive study of the principal forms and styles in music from the Renaissance to the present and focuses on score study, and analytical and critical listening. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 1141 - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Music Intensified private vocal instruction for music majors with voice as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Departmental approval Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1142 - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Intensified private vocal instruction for music majors with voice as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Departmental approval. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1151 - The College Chorale (1 Credit)
Other hours: 2
MUSC 1152 - Instrumental Ensemble (1 Credit)
A performing ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertoire includes all types of traditional selections in accordance with proficiency levels of participants, but is challenging. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Other hours: 2
MUSC 1154 - Concert Band (1 Credit)
Other hours: 2
MUSC 1162 - Jazz Band I (1 Credit)
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1170 - Vocal Jazz Ensemble (1 Credit)
Laboratory for vocal students to gain performing experience in the various styles of pop and jazz singing, as well as expanding their knowledge of the vocal performance literature. Audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1171 - Class Piano (1 Credit)
Designed to enable the music major to successfully complete the piano proficiency exam required for graduation. Students should enroll in MUSC 1171 in successive semesters until all items of the exam are complete. Only music majors may enroll. Offered: All semesters.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 1172 - Sight-Singing/Ear Training (1 Credit)
This course is designed to develop sight-singing skills involving ear-training and rhythmic studies. Course components include sight-singing, melodic and harmonic dictation, and rhythmic exercises. Students are expected to sing with the class and alone as assigned. This course is designed to enable the music major to successfully complete the sight-singing/ear training proficiency exam required for graduation. The student should enroll in MUSC 1172 in successive semesters until all items of the proficiency exam are completed. Offered: All semesters.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 1180 - Concert Chorale (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1181 - Concert Chorale II (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Prerequisite: Audition Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1185 - Chamber Singers I (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1186 - Chamber Singers II (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1191 - Marching Band I (1 Credit)
Consist of approximately 150 students. Provides musical support for athletic events, parades, etc. during the fall semester. Students are advised to bring their own instruments. The Institution provides some large instruments. Open to all students who can qualify by audition. Freshman level experience. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1200 - Concert Band (1 Credit)
Approximately 40-50 students, selected by audition, the ensemble provides the opportunity for students to study and perform the best literature for concert and symphonic bands. Students may earn up to four semester hours for participation, with extensive opportunity for travel. Offered second semester.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1201 - Symphonic Band I (1 Credit)
Approximately 40-50 students, selected by audition. The ensemble provides the opportunity for students to study and perform the best literature for concert and symphonic bands. Students may earn up to four semester hours for participation, with extensive opportunity for travel. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1202 - Concert Band I (1 Credit)
Introduction to wind band literature through rehearsal and performance, as well as a course in developing the technical skills necessary to perform this literature. Freshman level experience. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1212 - Opera/Musical Theatre Wkshp I (1 Credit)
May be taken by music majors and non-majors who qualify by audition. Workshop experience in opera and/or musical theater performance and performance principles. Includes study in acting, singing, stage deportment, and the technical aspects of musical production. Culminating course project-production and presentation of scenes, acts, and/or entire work. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1311 - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music For music majors with violin as their principle instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1312 - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music For music majors with violin as their principle instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1321 - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. For music majors with viola as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1322 - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. For music majors with viola as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required and student must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1331 - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. For music majors with cello as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1332 - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 1341 - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required and student must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1342 - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music majors with string bass as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1441 - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Intensified private clarinet instruction majors with clarinet as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written Departmental Approval is Required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1442 - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. Intensified private clarinet instruction for music majors with clarinet as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1443 - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted with instructor's approval. Previous oboe instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1444 - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted with instructor's approval. Previous oboe instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1445 - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. Intensified private flute instruction for music majors with flute as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1446 - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music Intensified private flute instruction for music majors with flute as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1447 - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1448 - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course elvel. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1471 - Applied Saxaphone (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. For music majors with saxophone as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous saxophone instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1472 - Applied Saxaphone (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. For music majors with saxophone as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous saxophone instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1511 - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s):Music. For music majors with the trumpet as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous trumpet instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1512 - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the followingMajor(s):Music. For music majors with the trumpet as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous trumpet instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1541 - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. For music majors with the trombone as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous trombone instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1542 - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1611 - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Intensified private percussion instruction for music majors with percussion as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1612 - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Intensified private percussion instruction for music majors with percussion as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1641 - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
For music majors with the baritone horn as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous baritone horn instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1642 - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
For music majors with the baritone horn as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous baritone horn instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1711 - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
For music majors with the French horn as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous French horn instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1712 - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
For music majors with the French horn as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous French horn instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1741 - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Intensified private tuba instruction for music majors with tuba as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Student must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1742 - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Intensified private tuba instruction for music majors with tuba as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Student must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1811 - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Intensified private organ instruction for music majors with organ as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1812 - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Intensified private organ instruction for music majors with organ as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1911 - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Intensified private guitar instruction for music majors with guitar as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 1912 - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Intensified private guitar instruction for music majors with guitar as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Students must, via an audition, demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Written departmental approval is required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2000 - Music Seminar (1 Credit)
Lectures, panel discussions, and performances by faculty, students, and guest personalities provide a unique network for exposure to all facets of music. Two semesters required. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lecture hours: 1
MUSC 2007 - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Continuation of private piano instruction at the sophomore level.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1071 and MUSC 1072
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2010 - Introduction to Music Education (1 Credit)
A survey of the music education profession geared toward giving the music education candidate an overview of the field. Explores the teaching of K-12 general, choral and instrumental music in the public school settings. Laboratory experience provided; 30 observation hours required. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2021
Lecture hours: 1
MUSC 2021 - Intermediate Harmony and Musicianship I (3 Credits)
Continuation of training in diatonic and chromatic harmony, part-writing, composition and analysis. Keyboard harmony also emphasized. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2022 - Intermediate Harmony and Musicianship II (3 Credits)
Continuation of training in diatonic and chromatic harmony, part-writing, composition and analysis. Keyboard harmony also emphasized. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2021
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2024 - Composititon (3 Credits)
Introductory study of composition for students who may desire to pursue the subject in a more advanced and detailed manner. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2061 - College Orchestra III (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of sophomore students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2062 - College Orchestra IV (1 Credit)
This course involves the continued study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of sophomore students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2070 - College Orchestra 2 (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants, but is challenging. May be taken for two semesters after successful completion of two semesters of College Orchestra 1, MUSC 1070. Required of string majors as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1070
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2071 - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Continuation of private piano instruction at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1071 and MUSC 1072
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2072 - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music Continuation of private piano instruction at the sophomore level. Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1071, 1072 Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1071 and MUSC 1072
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2131 - Hip Hop and American Culture (3 Credits)
Hip hop has become one of the most dominant cultural forces this world has ever seen. Its popularity is globally recognized and it has interacted with music(s) and cultures worldwide. Over the last 3 decades, it was born in New York City, raised in the United States, and has moved out on its own to explore the world. It has transcended the realm of music and entered the worlds of visual art, cinema, advertising, fashion, politics, and beyond. Its growth has paralleled and interacted with the growth of the internet, and technology and hip hop have fueled each other along the way, developing a mutually beneficial relationship. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2132 - Women in Music (3 Credits)
A survey course on women’s contributions to the art of music with emphasis on the changing roles of, and attitudes towards, women as composers, performers, teachers, writers, instrument builders, patrons, etc. Offered: As Needed.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2141 - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Continuation of private instruction in voice at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1141 and MUSC 1142
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2142 - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Continuation of private instruction in voice at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1141 and MUSC 1142
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2162 - Jazz Band II (1 Credit)
Continued study for students to acquire experience in jazz ensemble performance styles of the music from the Big Band and Swing Era to the present. Students also explore their talents for singing, composing and conducting jazz music. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2171 - Diction for Singers (2 Credits)
Diction for singers is an introductory study of foreign language diction for singers and teachers for singers. Latin, Italian, French and German pronunciation skills will be gained (1) through study of the international phonetic alphabet, (2) through intensive pronunciation drills, and (3) through practical application to current and assigned song literature. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022 and MUSC 1142
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 2180 - Concert Chorale III (1 Credit)
Second year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2181 - Concert Chorale IV (1 Credit)
Continuation of the second year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2185 - Chamber Singers III (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2186 - Chamber Singers IV (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2191 - Marching Band II (1 Credit)
Approximately 150 students. Provides musical support for athletic events, parades, etc. during the fall semester. Students are advised to bring their own instruments. The Institution provides some large instruments. Open to all students who can qualify by audition. Sophomore level experience Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2201 - Symphonic Band II (1 Credit)
Approximately 40-50 students, selected by audition, the ensemble provides the opportunity for students to study and perform the best literature for concert and symphonic bands. Sophomore level experience with extensive opportunity for travel. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1102 or MUSC 103
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2202 - Concert Band II (1 Credit)
Introduction to wind band literature through rehearsal and performance, as well as a course in developing the technical skills necessary to perform this literature. Sophomore level experience. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2201 or MUSC 201 or MUSC 202
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2212 - Opera/Musical Theatre Wkshp II (1 Credit)
May be taken by music majors and non-majors who qualify by audition. Workshop experience in opera and/or musical theater performance and performance principles. Includes study in acting, singing, stage deportment, and the technical aspects of musical production. Culminating course project-production and presentation of scenes, acts, and/or entire work. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2211 and MUSC 1101 and MUSC 1102
Corequisites: MUSC 2070, MUSC 2080, MUSC 2090
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2250 - The Understanding of Music (3 Credits)
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2280 - Computer Generated Music (2 Credits)
The development of practical experience with analog and digital synthesizer programming, computer assisted synthesizer programming and computer based MIDI sequencing. Exposes students to current capabilities of technology as they relate to programming a song, instrumentation and teaching.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 2311 - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
For music majors with violin as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous saxophone instructin is required and students must demostrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1311 and MUSC 1312
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2312 - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
For music majors with violin as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1312 and MUSC 1311
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2321 - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music majors with viola as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1321 and MUSC 1322
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2322 - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music majors with viola as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1321 and MUSC 1322
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2331 - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1331 and MUSC 1332
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2332 - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music majors with cello as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1331 and MUSC 1332
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2341 - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2342 - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2410 - Band Techniques (3 Credits)
Designed to acquaint the student with materials, procedures and techniques for the development of interest and basic music skills in elementary and junior high school students. The materials, procedures and techniques studied are necessary to the development of a school instrumental program.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 2441 - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied clarinet at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1442 and MUSC 1441
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2442 - Apllied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied clarinet at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1442 and MUSC 1441
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2443 - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required, and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2444 - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required, and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2445 - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied flute at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1446 and MUSC 1445
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2446 - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied flute at the sophomore level.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1446 and MUSC 1445
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2448 - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2471 - Applied Saxophone (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied study in saxophone at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1472 and MUSC 1471
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2472 - Applied Saxophone (1 Credit)
Continuation of private applied study in saxophone at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1472 and MUSC 1471
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2511 - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of trumpet at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1512 and MUSC 1511
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2511E - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2512 - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study in trumpet at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1512 and MUSC 1511
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2541 - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of trombone at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1542 and MUSC 1541
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2542 - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of trombone at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1542 and MUSC 1541
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2611 - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Continued study of private, applied percussion at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1612 and MUSC 1611
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2612 - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Continued study of private, applied percussion at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1612 and MUSC 1611
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2641 - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of baritone horn at the sophomore level.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1641 and MUSC 1642
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2642 - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of baritone horn at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1641 and MUSC 1642
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2711 - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of French horn at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1712 and MUSC 1711
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2712 - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of French horn at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1712 and MUSC 1711
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2741 - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Continued study of private, applied tuba at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1742 and MUSC 1741
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2742 - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Continued study of private, applied tuba at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1742 and MUSC 1741
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2811 - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of organ at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1812 and MUSC 1811
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2812 - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of organ at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1812
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2911 - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of guitar at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1912 and MUSC 1911
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 2912 - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Continuation of private, applied study of guitar at the sophomore level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1912 and MUSC 1911
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3000 - Junior Recital (1 Credit)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Music. May be performed by music majors for credit. Recital must be approved by student's applied instructor. A preliminary recital hearing must be given before music faculty and approved at least six weeks before official recital can be presented. Departmental approval.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3021 - Counterpoint (3 Credits)
Basic training in 16th and 18th century counterpoint. Introduction and study of the fundamentals and principles of the respective periods. Also involves musical analysis, part-writing and composition in both musical styles.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3022 - Form and Anaylsis I (3 Credits)
Study of the formal structure of music from the Classical and Romantic Periods using representative works from the respective periods. Involves harmonic, melodic and structural analysis, and composition. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3023 - Form and Anaylsis II (3 Credits)
Study of the formal structures in music of the 20th century using representative works of the period. Involves harmonic, melodic and structural analysis, as well as composition. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3024 - Instrumentation and Orchestration (3 Credits)
A study of ranges, transposition, technical limitations and color combinations of standard band and orchestral instruments. Involves core analysis and scoring of short compositions for band and small ensembles. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3026 - Jazz Improvisation (2 Credits)
Study of materials of improvisation, choral functions, ear training, chord progressions and improvisational styles of outstanding performers. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3050 - Brasswinds Class (1 Credit)
Study of the structure, principles of tone production and elementary playing techniques of brass wind instruments including proper care of these instruments. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3058 - Brass Ensemble I (1 Credit)
Open only to junior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of brass instruments. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3059 - Brass Ensemble II (1 Credit)
Open only to junior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of brass instruments. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3061 - College Orchestra V (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of junior students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3062 - College Orchestra VI (1 Credit)
This course involves the continued study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of junior students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3071 - Applied Piano (2 Credits)
Junior level applied piano. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2072 and MUSC 2071
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3071E - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Junior level applied piano. Music education majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2071 and MUSC 2072
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3072 - Applied Piano (2 Credits)
Junior level applied piano. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2072 and MUSC 2071
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3072E - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Junior level applied piano. Music education majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2071 and MUSC 2072
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3125 - History of Jazz (3 Credits)
The study of jazz from its beginning African heritage, with emphasis on jazz development and such influences as minstrel show music, work songs, ragtime, dixieland, blues, and popular music. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3126 - Survey of Music Industry I (3 Credits)
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students to the structure of the music and entertainment industries with an emphasis on contemporary business practices. Topics include careers in the recording and performing fields, retail music merchandising, publishing, songwriting and arranging, professional organizations, unions, copyright law, career development, and other related issues. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3127 - Popular Music in the US (3 Credits)
This is a survey course that focuses on the intersections of American popular/commercial music practices and relevant historical events from the late 1800s until the present. The course materials provide a window to various music eras with the context of their unique time and place. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3133 - Music History and Literature (3 Credits)
Chronological survey of music history, musical forms and music literature from ancient to modern times. MUSC 3133 moves from classical antiquity to 1750; MUSC 3134 covers music from 1750 to the 20th century. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: (MUSC 1133 or MUSC 1123) and MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3134 - Music History and Literature II (3 Credits)
Chronological survey of music history, musical forms and music literature from ancient to modern times. MUSC 3133 moves from classical antiquity to 1750; MUSC 3134 covers music from 1750 to the 20th century. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1133 and MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 3141 - Applied Voice (2 Credits)
Junior level applied voice. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2142 and MUSC 2141
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3141E - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Junior level applied voice. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2141 and MUSC 2142
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3142 - Applied Voice (2 Credits)
Junior level applied voice. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2142 and MUSC 2141
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3142E - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Junior level applied voice. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2141 and MUSC 2142
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3143E - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Junior level applied voice. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3162 - Jazz Band III (1 Credit)
A laboratory for upper level students to acquire experience in jazz ensemble performance styles of the music from the Big Band and Swing Era to the present. Students also explore their talents for singing, composing and conducting jazz music. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3162E - Applied Perucussion (1 Credit)
Junior level applied percussion. Majors be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3171 - Vocal Methods (1 Credit)
Primarily for voice and piano majors. Methods and procedures for the attainment of superior vocal and choral singing. Extensive practice in sight-singing, choral conducting, and diction. Vocal and choral literature are also emphasized. Required of voice and piano majors. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3172 - Choral Techniques (2 Credits)
Designed to acquaint the student with materials, procedures, and techniques for implementing a successful choral program at the middle school or high school level.
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 3180 - Concert Chorale VI (1 Credit)
Third year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3181 - Concert Chorale III (1 Credit)
Continuation of the third year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3185 - Chamber Singers V (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3186 - Chamber Singers VI (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3191 - Marching Band III (1 Credit)
Approximately 150 students. Provides musical support for athletic events, parades, etc. during the fall semester. Students are advised to bring their own instruments. The Institution provides some large instruments. Open to all students who can qualify by audition. Junior level experience. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3201 - Symphonic Band III (1 Credit)
Approximately 40-50 students, selected by audition, the ensemble provides the opportunity for students to study and perform the best literature for concert and symphonic bands. Sophomore level experience with extensive opportunity for travel. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3202 - Concert Band III (1 Credit)
Introduction to wind band literature through rehearsal and performance, as well as a course in developing the technical skills necessary to perform this literature. Junior level experience. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3212 - Opera/Musical Theatre Wkshp III (1 Credit)
May be taken by music majors and non-majors who qualify by audition. Workshop experience in opera and/or musical theater performance and performance principles. Includes study in acting, singing, stage deportment, and the technical aspects of musical production. Culminating course project-production and presentation of scenes, acts, and/or entire work. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3230 - Woodwinds Class (1 Credit)
Study of the structure, principles of tone production and elementary playing techniques of woodwind instruments; reed-making and proper care of these instruments. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3272 - Vocal Jazz Ensemble I (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of vocal jazz idioms and literature and requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores. This course is open to all ASU students via audition. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3280 - Computer Generated Music (2 Credits)
The development of practical experience with analog and digital synthesizer programming, computer assisted synthesizer programming, and computer based MIDI sequencing. Exposes students to current capabilities of technology as they relate to programming a song, instrumentation, and teaching. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3281 - Woodwind Ensemble I (1 Credit)
Open only to junior level players for credit and to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of woodwind instruments. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3282 - Woodwind Ensemble II (1 Credit)
Open only to junior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of woodwind instruments.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3311 - Applied Violin (2 Credits)
For music majors with violin as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3311E - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
For music education majors with violin as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3312 - Applied Violin (2 Credits)
For music majors with violin as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3312E - Applied Violin (2 Credits)
For music education majors with violin as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3321 - Applied Viola (2 Credits)
For music majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3321E - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music education majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3322 - Applied Viola (2 Credits)
For music majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3322E - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music education majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3331 - Applied Cello (2 Credits)
For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3331E - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music education majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3332 - Applied Cello (2 Credits)
For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3332E - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music education majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3341 - Applied String Bass (2 Credits)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3341E - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music education majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3342 - Applied String Bass (2 Credits)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3342E - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music education majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3441 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Junior level applied clarinet. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2442 and MUSC 2441
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3441E - Applied Clarinet (1,2 Credits)
Junior level applied clarinet. Music education majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1,2
MUSC 3442 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Junior level applied clarinet. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2442 and MUSC 2441
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3442E - Applied Clarinet (1,2 Credits)
Junior level applied clarinet. Music education majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3443 - Applied Oboe (2 Credits)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required, and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3443E - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music education majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required, and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature that meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3444 - Applied Flute (2 Credits)
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3444E - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music majors with oboe as their principle instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted with instructor's approval. Previous oboe instruction is required and students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3445 - Applied Flute (2 Credits)
Junior level applied flute. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2446 and MUSC 2445
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3445E - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Applied lesson for music education majors. All junior level lesson requirements apply.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2445 and MUSC 2446
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3446 - Applied Flute (2 Credits)
Junior level applied flute. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2446 and MUSC 2445
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3446E - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Applied lesson for music education majors. All junior level requirements apply. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2445 and MUSC 2446
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3447 - Applied Bassoon (2 Credits)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3447E - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music education majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3448 - Applied Bassoon (2 Credits)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3448E - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music education majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3471 - Applied Saxaphone (2 Credits)
Junior level applied saxophone. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2472 and MUSC 2471
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3471E - Applied Saxophone (1 Credit)
Junior level applied saxophone. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2472 and MUSC 2471
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3472 - Applied Saxaphone (2 Credits)
Junior level applied saxophone. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2472 and MUSC 2471
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3472E - Applied Saxophone (1 Credit)
Junior level applied saxophone. Music education majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3511 - Applied Trumpet (2 Credits)
Junior level applied trumpet. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2512 and MUSC 2511
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3511E - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Junior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2512
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3512 - Applied Trumpet (2 Credits)
Junior level applied trumpet. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2512 and MUSC 2511
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3512E - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Junior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2512
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3541 - Applied Trombone (2 Credits)
Junior level applied trombone. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2542 and MUSC 2541
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3541E - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Junior level applied for music education major. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2542
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3542 - Applied Trombone (2 Credits)
Junior level applied trombone. Majors be accepted, via juried audition, into junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2542 and MUSC 2541
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3542E - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Junior level applied for music education major. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2542
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3600 - Percussion Class (1 Credit)
Study of the structure, principles of tone production and elementary playing techniques of percussion instruments, including proper care of these instruments. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3611 - Applied Percussion (2 Credits)
Junior level applied percussion. Majors must accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2612 and MUSC 2611
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3611E - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Junior level applied percussion. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Springjavascript:;
Prerequisites: MUSC 2612 and MUSC 2611
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3612 - Applied Percussion (2 Credits)
Junior level applied percussion. Majors must accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2612 and MUSC 2611
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3612E - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Junior level applied percussion. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2612 and MUSC 2611
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3641 - Applied Euphonium (2 Credits)
Junior level applied baritone horn. Majors be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2642 and MUSC 2641
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3641E - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
Junior level applied music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2642
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3642 - Applied Euphonium (2 Credits)
Junior level applied baritone horn. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2642 and MUSC 2641
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3642E - Applied Euphonium (1 Credit)
Junior level applied music education majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2642
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3681 - Percussion Ensemble I (1 Credit)
Open to junior percussion majors and to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of music for various combinations of instruments in various styles for the rounding out of training in performance through small group playing experience. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3682 - Percussion Ensemble II (1 Credit)
Primarily for percussion majors. Open to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of music for various combinations of instruments in various styles for the rounding out of training in performance through small group playing experience. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3700 - Strings Class (1 Credit)
Study of the structure, principles of tone production and elementary playing techniques of several stringed instruments. Various types of bowing are studied as well as proper care of the instruments. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1022
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3711 - Applied French Horn (2 Credits)
Junior level applied French horn. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2712 and MUSC 2711
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3711E - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Junior level applied French horn. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Office: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2712 and MUSC 2711
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3712 - Applied French Horn (2 Credits)
Junior level applied French horn. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2712 and MUSC 2711
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3712E - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Junior level applied French horn. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2712 and MUSC 2711
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3741 - Applied Tuba (2 Credits)
Junior level applied tuba. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2742 and MUSC 2741
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3741E - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Junior level applied tuba. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2742 and MUSC 2741
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3742 - Applied Tuba (2 Credits)
Junior level applied tuba. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2742 and MUSC 2741
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3742E - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Junior level applied tuba. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2741 and MUSC 2742
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3811 - Applied Organ (2 Credits)
Junior level applied organ. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2812 and MUSC 2811
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3811E - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Junior level applied organ. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2812
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3812 - Applied Organ (2 Credits)
Junior level applied organ. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2812 and MUSC 2811
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3812E - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Junior level applied organ. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2812
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 3911 - Applied Guitar (2 Credits)
Junior level applied guitar. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2912 and MUSC 2911
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3911E - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Junior level applied guitar. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2912
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
MUSC 3912 - Applied Guitar (2 Credits)
Junior level applied guitar. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2912
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Junior.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 3912E - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Junior level applied guitar. Majors must be accepted, via juried audition, into the junior level of applied instruction. Students must demonstrate proficiency commensurate with technical and performance standards at this level. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2912
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4000 - Senior Recital (1 Credit)
Required of all music majors for Bachelor of Arts degree. Recital repertoire must be approved by student's applied instructor, and a preliminary recital hearing must be given before music faculty, and approved, at least six weeks before official recital can be presented. Departmental approval. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4050 - Keyboard Methods (2 Credits)
Study of graded material, literature and teaching technique appropriate to piano teaching. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2072
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 4058 - Brass Ensemble III (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of brass instruments. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4059 - Brass Ensemble IV (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of brass instruments. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4061 - College Orchestra VII (1 Credit)
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of senior students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4062 - College Orchestra VIII (1 Credit)
This course involves the continued study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants. Required of senior students studying strings as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4071 - Applied Piano (2 Credits)
Senior level applied piano. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3071
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4071E - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Senior level lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3071E and MUSC 3072E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4072 - Applied Piano (2 Credits)
Senior level applied piano. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3072 and MUSC 3071
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4072E - Applied Piano (1 Credit)
Senior level lessions for music education majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3072E and MUSC 3071E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4130 - African-American Music Survey (3 Credits)
General survey of Black music from its African origins to its various American developments, with attention to Afro- European acculturation and aesthetic and anthropological amalgamation. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: (MUSC 1100 or MUSC 1133)
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 4141 - Applied Voice (2 Credits)
Senior level applied voice. Continuation of technical training as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history from which literature was written. Offered: Fall, Springs.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3141 and MUSC 3142
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4141E - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Senior applied for music education. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3141E and MUSC 3142E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4142 - Applied Voice (2 Credits)
Senior level applied voice. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history from which literature was written. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3141 and MUSC 3142
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4142E - Applied Voice (1 Credit)
Senior applied for music education. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3141E and MUSC 3142E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4162 - Jazz Band IV (1 Credit)
A laboratory for upper level students to acquire experience in jazz ensemble performance styles of the music from the Big Band and Swing Era to the present. Students also explore their talents for singing, composing and conducting jazz music. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4171 - Vocal Pedagogy (2 Credits)
An in-depth study of the science and methodology related to the training of the human voice. The course is broken into three segments: the study of the anatomy and physiology of the "vocal organ", and all of the systems that contribute to or support the creating of vocal sound' secondly, study and utilization of the "practicum" methods for pedogical issues, such as varying vocal methodologies, choral singing for vocal majors, choices of literature, etc.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3171
MUSC 4180 - Concert Chorale VII (1 Credit)
Fourth year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4181 - Concert Chorale VIII (1 Credit)
Continuation of the fourth year experience in a choir that consists of 30-50 students selected by audition. Concentration on choral literature for mixed voices from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Regular on and off campus performances and in and out of state tours. Open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4185 - Chamber Singers VII (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4186 - Chamber Singers VIII (1 Credit)
The choir consists of 8-12 students selected by audition. Concentration on literature for small vocal ensembles from all periods of music history, including sacred, secular, art music and folk music. Requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores and is open to all university students who can qualify by audition. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4191 - Marching Band IV (1 Credit)
Approximately 150 students. Provides musical support for athletic events, parades, etc. during the fall semester. Students are advised to bring their own instruments. The Institution provides some large instruments. Open to all students who can qualify by audition. Senior level experience. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4201 - Symphonic Band IV (1 Credit)
Approximately 40-50 students, selected by audition, the ensemble provides the opportunity for students to study and perform the best literature for concert and symphonic bands. Sophomore level experience with extensive opportunity for travel. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4202 - Concert Band IV (1 Credit)
Introduction to wind band literature through rehearsal and performance, as well as a course in developing the technical skills necessary to perform this literature. Senior level experience. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4210 - Band Techniques (1 Credit)
Designed to acquaint the student with materials, procedures and techniques for the development of interest and basic music skills in elementary and junior high school students. The materials, procedures and techniques studied are necessary to the development of a school instrumental program.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
MUSC 4212 - Opera/Musical Theatre Wkshp IV (1 Credit)
May be taken by music majors and non-majors who qualify by audition. Continuation of workshop experience in opera and/or musical theater performance and performance principles. Includes study in acting, singing, stage deportment, and the technical aspects of musical production. Culminating course project-production and presentation of scenes, acts, and/or entire work. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4220 - Choral Conducting (3 Credits)
Fundamental baton technique; score reading by chord singing and part singing; score playing analysis and interpretations; survey of representative literature suitable for the junior and senior high school chorus. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 4230 - Instrumental Conducting (3 Credits)
Fundamental baton techniques, score reading by chord singing and part singing, score playing, analysis and interpretation; survey of representative literature suitable for the junior and senior high school band or instrumental ensemble. Laboratory experiences provided in correlation with the instrumental ensemble classes and the college band. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2022
Lecture hours: 3
MUSC 4272 - Vocal Jazz Ensemble II (1 Credit)
This course involves the continued study, rehearsal, and concert performance of vocal jazz idioms and literature and requires advanced skills in reading vocal scores. This course is open to all ASU students via audition. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4281 - Woodwind Ensemble III (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Continuation of MUSC 3281,3282. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4282 - Woodwind Ensemble IV (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit and to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of the best music literature for small combinations of woodwind instruments. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3281 and MUSC 3282
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4311 - Applied Violin (2 Credits)
For music majors with violin as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4311E - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
For music education majors with violin as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4312 - Applied Violin (2 Credits)
For music majors with violin as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4312E - Applied Violin (1 Credit)
For music education majors with violin as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous violin instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4321 - Applied Viola (2 Credits)
For music majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4321E - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music education majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4322 - Applied Viola (2 Credits)
For music majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4322E - Applied Viola (1 Credit)
For music education majors with viola as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous viola instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4331 - Applied Cello (2 Credits)
For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4331E - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music education majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4332 - Applied Cello (2 Credits)
For music majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
MUSC 4332E - Applied Cello (1 Credit)
For music education majors with cello as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous cello instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4341 - Applied String Bass Senior Lvl (2 Credits)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4341E - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music education majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4342 - Applied String Bass (2 Credits)
For music majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4342E - Applied String Bass (1 Credit)
For music education majors with string bass as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous string bass instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4411 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied clarinet continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad reparatory of literature selected from all periods of music history.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3412
MUSC 4411E - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Senior level applied for music education majors.
MUSC 4412 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied clarinet continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3412
MUSC 4412E - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Senior level applied for music education majors.
MUSC 4436 - Elementary School Musical Methods (2 Credits)
Designed to acquaint the student with approved methods of presenting music as a series of meaningful experiences in the life of the child from kindergarten to sixth grade; guidance in developing effective techniques and procedures for their implementation through singing, intelligent listening, music, reading and creative work. Laboratory experience provided. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 4437 - Secondary School Music Methods (3 Credits)
Designed to acquaint the student with approved methods of presenting music as a series of meaningful experiences in the life of the child from kindergarten to sixth grade; guidance in developing effective techniques and procedures for their implementation through singing, intelligent listening, music, reading and creative work. Laboratory experience provided.
MUSC 4438 - Secondary Choral Methods (2 Credits)
Study of materials and methods for teaching choral curricular in the middle and senior high schools: planning and managing choral rehearsals and performance at the secondary level. 30 observation hours required. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 4436
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 4439 - Secondary Band Methods (2 Credits)
For voice or instrumental music majors. Students from other majors, who qualify, may take the course with permission of the instructor. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 2
MUSC 4441 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied clarinet continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3341 and MUSC 3342
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4441E - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Applied lesson for music education majors. All senior level requirements apply. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3441E and MUSC 3442E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4442 - Applied Clarinet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied clarinet continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3441 and MUSC 3442
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4442E - Applied Clarinet (1 Credit)
Senior level applied clarinet continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4443 - Applied Oboe (2 Credits)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4443E - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music education majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4444 - Applied Oboe (2 Credits)
For music majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4444E - Applied Oboe (1 Credit)
For music education majors with oboe as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous oboe instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4445 - Applied Flute (2 Credits)
Senior level applied flute. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3446 and MUSC 3445
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4445E - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3445E and MUSC 3446E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4446 - Applied Flute (2 Credits)
Senior level applied flute. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3446 and MUSC 3445
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4446E - Applied Flute (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3445E and MUSC 3446E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4447 - Applied Bassoon (2 Credits)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Nonmajors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
MUSC 4447E - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music education majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4448 - Applied Bassoon (2 Credits)
For music majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4448E - Applied Bassoon (1 Credit)
For music education majors with bassoon as their principal instrument. Non-majors who qualify may be accepted. Previous bassoon instruction is required. Students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency for acceptance at this course level. Students will work toward continued mastery of technique and appropriate literature which meet or exceed standards for current level of study.
MUSC 4471 - Applied Saxaphone (2 Credits)
Senior level applied saxophone. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3472 and MUSC 3471
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4471E - Applied Saxaphone (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3471E and MUSC 3472E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4472 - Applied Saxaphone (2 Credits)
Senior level applied saxophone. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3472 and MUSC 3471
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4472E - Applied Saxaphone (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3471E and MUSC 3472E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4511 - Applied Trumpet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied trumpet. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3512 and MUSC 3511
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4511E - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3511E and MUSC 3512E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4512 - Applied Trumpet (2 Credits)
Senior level applied trumpet. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3512 and MUSC 3511
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4512E - Applied Trumpet (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3511E and MUSC 3512
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4541 - Applied Trombone (2 Credits)
Senior level applied trombone. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3542 and MUSC 3541
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4541E - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3541E and MUSC 3542E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4542 - Applied Trombone (2 Credits)
Senior level applied trombone. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3542 and MUSC 3541
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4542E - Applied Trombone (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3541E and MUSC 3542E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4581 - Brass Ensemble (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4582 - Brass Ensemble (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4611 - Applied Percussion (2 Credits)
Senior level applied percussion. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3612 and MUSC 3611
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4611E - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3611E and MUSC 3612E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4612 - Applied Percussion (2 Credits)
Senior level applied percussion. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3612 and MUSC 3611
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4612E - Applied Percussion (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3611E and MUSC 3612E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4641 - Euphonium (2 Credits)
Senior level applied baritone horn. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3642 and MUSC 3641
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4641E - Euphonium (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3641E and MUSC 3642E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4642 - Euphonium (2 Credits)
Senior level applied baritone horn. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Prerequisite: MUSC 3641, 3642 Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3642 and MUSC 3641
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4642E - Euphonium (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3641E and MUSC 3642E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4681 - Percussion Ensemble (1 Credit)
Open to senior percussion majors and to others having the necessary proficiency. Study and performance of music for various combinations of instruments in various styles for the rounding out of training in performance through small group playing experience. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4682 - Percussion Ensemble (1 Credit)
Open only to senior level players for credit. Open without credit to others having the necessary proficiency. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4711 - Applied French Horn (2 Credits)
Senior level applied French horn. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4711E - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3711E and MUSC 3712E
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4712 - Applied French Horn (2 Credits)
Senior level applied French horn. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3712 and MUSC 3711
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4712E - Applied French Horn (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3711E and MUSC 3712E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4741 - Applied Tuba (2 Credits)
Senior level applied tuba. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3742 and MUSC 3741
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4741E - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3741E and MUSC 3742E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4742 - Applied Tuba (2 Credits)
Senior level applied tuba. Continuation of technical training, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3742 and MUSC 3741
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4742E - Applied Tuba (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3741E and MUSC 3742E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
Lab hours: 1
MUSC 4811 - Applied Organ (2 Credits)
Senior level applied organ. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 4811E - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3811E and MUSC 3812E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
MUSC 4812 - Applied Organ (2 Credits)
Senior level applied organ. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history.
MUSC 4812E - Applied Organ (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3811E and MUSC 3812E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
MUSC 4911 - Applied Guitar (2 Credits)
Senior level applied guitar. Continuation of technical study as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3912 and MUSC 3911
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4911E - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3911E and MUSC 3912E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
MUSC 4912 - Applied Guitar (2 Credits)
Senior level applied guitar. Continuation of technical study, as well as development of a broad repertory of literature selected from all periods of music history.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3912 and MUSC 3911
Lab hours: 2
MUSC 4912E - Applied Guitar (1 Credit)
Senior level applied lessons for music education majors. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3911E and MUSC 3912E
Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Senior.
THEA 1020 - Theatre & Culture (3 Credits)
A study of theatre as an art form with emphasis on dramatic literature and the contributions of playwrights, actors, directors, designers and managers. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 1100 - Theater Appreciation (3 Credits)
This course includes the survey and critical appreciation of Theatre. A first-level course designed to introduce theatre majors and non-majors to eras of theatre history and dramatic literature and to demonstrate how theatre practitioners form a collaborative working unit which results in a performance-ready production. No previous experience required. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 1110 - Stagecraft (3 Credits)
Students will put theatrical theory into practice as they work on all phases of theatrical production. The demands of various types of crew work will be studied, designed and applied, including directing, publicity, set, properties, make up, lighting and sound. The class will provide the crew work needed for the semester's mainstage production. Students will utilize graphics and power point for designing. A video tape will be made of the stage production for the evaluation. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 1111 - Creative Dramatics/Elem School (3 Credits)
This course will introduce various techniques for presenting dramatics in the K-12 classroom, including building a play, creating simple scenic elements, and various forms of improvisation. Participants will study the work of Viola Spolin.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 1710 - Improvisation (1 Credit)
An introductory course designed to enable students, individually and in groups, to learn process-centered performance techniques using unscripted concepts. Students are introduced to basic principles of stage movement, vocal technique and creative dramatics. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2000 - Introduction to Theatrical Design (3 Credits)
Basic design for theatre technicians with emphasis on drafting, perspective, color theory, rendering in various media and drawing the human form.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2010 - Scene Building/Painting (3 Credits)
THEA 2011 - Introduction to Acting (3 Credits)
THEA 2020 - Voice and Diction (3 Credits)
Study and exercises in the physiological aspects of vocal delivery to develop clear articulation and effective speech production. Designed to help students recognize, evaluate and compensate for common vocal deficiencies. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: COMM 1100 or COMM 101
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2030 - Oral Interpretation (3 Credits)
Study and practice in the selection, evaluation, analysis, preparation, and effective oral presentation of literary works; prose, poetry and drama. Writing and adapting material for oral presentation. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: COMM 1100 or COMM 101
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2040 - Acting I (3 Credits)
A course designed to introduce the beginning actor to the fundamentals and techniques of acting. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: COMM 1100
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2041 - Acting I Laboratory (3 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Speech & Theatre Continuation of Acting I with a concentration on science study from the modern repertoire.
Prerequisites: THEA 2040
Lab hours: 3
THEA 2050 - Theatrical Dance and Movement (3 Credits)
An introduction to basic stage movements and dance for performers and directors. A lecture-laboratory course with opportunities for performance. Primarily for theatre majors.
THEA 2070 - Make-Up for the Stage and Screen (3 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Speech &Theatre. A study of basic principles and practices in make-up for stage, screen and television. Practice in use of cosmetics, wigs, hair pieces, facial prosthetics, masks and work with departmental productions. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2080 - Voice for the Actor (3 Credits)
THEA 2090 - Basic Dramatic Writing (3 Credits)
THEA 2100 - Stage Craft (3 Credits)
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2105 - Oral Interpretation (3 Credits)
Communicating the meaning of literature, prose, and poetry through the techniques of oral reading. The coaching of oral interpretation at the high school level will also be discussed. Offered: On demand.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2205 - Oral Interpretation (3 Credits)
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2210 - Voice and Diction (3 Credits)
An introduction to vocal training for the production of Standard American Speech with an emphasis on resonance, breath control, vocal relaxation and posture using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and a variety of approaches to contemporary vocal training. Offered: On demand.
Prerequisites: Learning Support Reading Code with a score of 4 and Learning Support English Code with a score of 4
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2250 - Understanding of World Theatre (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 102)
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2301 - Scene Design for the Stage (3 Credits)
This course will introduce the student to the fundamental elements of scenic design. Several styles of staging, proscenium stage, black box, outdoor and variations of theatre in the round, will be discussed. Students will learn the basics of stage drafting and scale modeling in order to convey basic design ideas to others. Period design and decoration will be discussed. Offered: On demand.
Prerequisites: THEA 2100
Corequisites: THEA 2100
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 4
THEA 2306 - Lighting Design for the Stage (3 Credits)
This course will introduce the student to the fundamental elements of lighting design. Through discussion of lighting equipment (dimming and fixtures) and accessories (color medium, projection patterns, effect generators), technique and style, the student will gain basic knowledge of stage lighting and its impact on theatrical production. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: THEA 2100
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 4
THEA 2312 - Sound Design for Theatre (3 Credits)
This course will acquaint the student with the process of sound design for theatrical production. Basic instruction will deal with the equipment and technique necessary to reproduce sound effects and background music for the stage. Offered: On demand.
Prerequisites: (THEA 2100)
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 4
THEA 2531 - History of Theatre II (3 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Speech & Theatre A continuation of theatre History I beginning with Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Expressionism and Neo-Romanticism in theater down to the Avant-Grade Theatre in Europe.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2532 - History of Theatre III (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: THEA 2531
THEA 2640 - Directing I (3 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Speech &Theatre. Elementary principles of staging plays; practical work in directing One-Act plays; attention given to the principles of selecting, casting and rehearsing of plays, exercises, lectures and demonstrations. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530 and THEA 2041
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 2900 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2901 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2902 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2903 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2904 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2905 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Fall.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2906 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2907 - Production and Performance (1 Credit)
Participation in a responsible capacity in a production of the Theatre Program. Offered: Spring.
Lab hours: 1
THEA 2940 - Stage Management (3 Credits)
THEA 3010 - Improvisational Theatre (2 Credits)
THEA 3020 - Musical Theatre I (3 Credits)
THEA 3030 - Theatre Management (3 Credits)
Designed to study the tools of theater management and producing, box office, price and percentages, publicity, promotion and production costs. A survey of the Organization of Theatre and promotional and managerial procedures. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530 and THEA 2640
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3040 - Acting II (3 Credits)
A study of role analysis and the problems and techniques of creating subtexts with special relation to the actor's natural qualities. Offered: Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3041 - Acting II Laboratory (2 Credits)
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Speech & Theatre An intensive course in voice and body training.
Prerequisites: THEA 2040
Lab hours: 2
THEA 3050 - Play Analysis (3 Credits)
THEA 3520 - Playwriting (3 Credits)
A course in dramatic writing, including study and practice in writing for the modern stage and screen. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3530 - Modern Drama (3 Credits)
A study of significant developments in the American theatre since 1900 as reflected through the major playwrights and theatre organizations. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3531 - History of Theatre I (3 Credits)
A study of theatre architecture, scenery, costume, methods of staging, and production in Europe, as well as a study of representative playwrights from Ancient Greece to Russia. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3532 - History of Theatre II (3 Credits)
A continuation of theatre History I beginning with Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Expressionism and Neo-Romanticism in theater down to the Avant-Grade Theatre in Europe. Offered: Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites: THEA 3531 or THEA 2530
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3540 - Styles in Acting (3 Credits)
THEA 3541 - Styles in Acting Laboratory (2 Credits)
Prerequisites: THEA 3540
THEA 3542 - Acting for TV and Cinema (3 Credits)
THEA 3560 - Principles and Practices of Stage Costume. (3 Credits)
A study of the function of costumes for the stage, screen and television, and their relationship to other elements of dramatic production. Includes research in construction and authentic period forms. Offered: Spring.
THEA 3600 - African American Theatre History and Performance (3 Credits)
A study of significant developments in the American Black Theatre since 1900 as reflected through the major play- wrights and theatre organizations. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3640 - Directing II (3 Credits)
A consideration of rehearsal problems and techniques as may be reflected in a full length show. In conjunction with the Theatre Programs, students direct projects selected from a variety of genres. Offered: Spring.
Prerequisites: THEA 2540
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 3650 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
An independent study of special topics in theatre arts, determined by the student in consultation with the instructor.
THEA 4001 - Senior Preparatory (1 Credit)
THEA 4002 - Technical Problems (3 Credits)
THEA 4020 - Musical Theatre II (3 Credits)
THEA 4030 - Stage Costume Design/Research (2 Credits)
THEA 4031 - History of Costoume/Decorate (3 Credits)
THEA 4032 - Scene Design (3 Credits)
THEA 4033 - Stage Lighting II (3 Credits)
THEA 4520 - Children's Theatre (3 Credits)
A study of various techniques used in producing children's theatre with adult actors; experience in scene design, lighting, costuming, acting, directing and promotion; class work plus participation in the Children's Theatre Workshop. Offered: Fall.
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 4720 - Advanced Dramatic Writing (3 Credits)
THEA 4740 - Special Topics in Theatre (3 Credits)
THEA 4760 - Seminar in Theatre (3 Credits)
Advanced individual study for the theatre major in a specialized concentrated production project. Consent of instructor and director of theatre is necessary. Offered: Fall.
Prerequisites: THEA 2530 and THEA 2531
Lecture hours: 3
THEA 4761 - Seminar in Adv Scene Design (3 Credits)
THEA 4762 - Seminar in Adv Stage Lighting (3 Credits)
Advanced individual study for the theatre major in a specialized concentrated production project. Consent of instructor and director of theatre is necessary. Offered: Fall.
THEA 4780 - Internship (3 Credits)
Off-campus, on the job observation and training for students pursuing professional work in a variety of traditional nontraditional careers appropriate to selected academic programs. Offered: Fall, Spring.