Geography (GEOG)

GEOG 1101 - Intro to Human Geography (3 Credits)

An introductory survey of human geography with special attention to patterns of economic activities, natural resources and population problems. Offered: As Needed.

Lecture hours: 3

GEOG 2101 - Principles of Geography (3 Credits)

Surveys principles basic to the proper understanding of the world, with emphasis on universe relationships, earth as man's home, latitude and longitude, map making and interpretation, land, animals, population relationships and the conservation of natural resources. Offered: As Needed.

Lecture hours: 3

GEOG 3101 - Principles of Geography (3 Credits)

Surveys principles basic to the proper understanding of the world, with emphasis on universe relationships, earth as man's home, lati- tude and longitude, map making and interpretation, land, animals, population relationships and the conservation of natural resources. Offered: As Needed.

Lecture hours: 3