Natural Sciences (ISCI)
ISCI 2001 - Life/Earth Science (3 Credits)
An integrated overview of the core Life and Earth Science content covered in the K-5 Georgia Performance Standards. Topics include the Solar System, Earth Processes, Characteristics of Living Organisms, Biodiversity and the Natural History of Georgia. Students will gain conceptual understanding through Inquiry-Oriented, Activity-Based pedagogical strategies in order to have experience learning science content in the ways they will be expected to teach in the future. Offered: As Needed.
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 2
ISCI 2002 - Physical Science (3 Credits)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ISCI 2002 – Physical Science… Activity – based Physical Science for Early Childhood Education Performance majors. Course addresses content covered by Standards (GPS) for K-5 grades. Georgia Performance.
Lecture hours: 2
Lab hours: 2
ISCI 3002 - Integrated Earth and Space Sci (4 Credits)
The content in this course focuses on developing the earth science content that supports middle grades science standards-based content. The course incorporates inquiry, nature of science, characteristics of science and reading in the content area. Additional topics include a study of meteorology, oceanography, earth materials, the solar system, scientific views of the universe, the earth-sun-moon relationships, earth processes, and geologic time. The lab gives experiences which will include activities that further develop each of the topic areas. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of C to receive credit for this course in the program of study. Offered: Spring.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 1
ISCI 3003 - Integrated Concepts in Phy Sci (4 Credits)
The content in this course focuses on developing the physical science content that supports middle grades science content standards. The topics include scientific inquiry, the nature of science, characteristics of science, the nature of matter, forms and transformations of energy, motion, gravity, waves, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, and relationship between force/mass/motion of objects. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of C to receive credit for this course in the program of study. Offered: As Needed.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 1
ISCI 3109 - Integrated Concept in Biol Sci (4 Credits)
The content in this course focuses on developing the life science content that supports middle grades science content standards. The topics covered include: characteristics of science, nature of science, inquiry, cells, cell structures, cell functions, composition and structure of DNA and RNA, asexual and sexual cellular reproduction, application of Mendel’s laws, passing of genetic traits to successive generations, characteristics of single- and multi-celled organisms, adaptations, evolution, and ecosystems. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of C to receive credit for this course in the program of study. Offered: As Needed.
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 1