Philosophy (PHIL)

PHIL 2010 - Intro to Philosophy (3 Credits)

Introduction to the central issues, questions, and theories of Western Philosophy. Topics covered include logic and critical thinking; religion; knowledge and skepticism; philosophy of mind; freedom and determinism; and ethics. Students are expected to engage in philosophical discussion based on primary and secondary texts.

Lecture hours: 3

PHIL 2101 - Introduction of Philosophy (3 Credits)

A survey of the fundamentals of philosophy. Consideration given to the validity, knowledge and truth claims, the nature of ultimate reality, the nature of moral and ethical judgments, the just society, the meaning of life as well as philosophical methodology.

Lecture hours: 3

PHIL 4120 - Professional Ethics (3 Credits)

This course introduces students to ethical issues common to the professions. The term "profession" is a label for a class of occupations, exemplified by the traditional model of the lawyer or physician. We will think about characteristics of these occupations that distinguish them as a class and how these characteristics are related to a variety of ethical problems. Offered: Fall.

Prerequisites: (eMajor Introduction Quiz with a score of M)

Lecture hours: 3