Spanish (SPAN)
SPAN 1001 - Elementary Spanish I (3 Credits)
An introductory Spanish course designed to give essential survival vocabulary interspersed with cultural information and written and oral proficiency skills in the target language. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
Other hours: 3
SPAN 1002 - Elementary Spanish II (3 Credits)
A continuation of Spanish 1001 or 1101 that furthers develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish while including cultural, historical, and literary components. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: (SPAN 1001)
Lecture hours: 3
Other hours: 3
SPAN 2001 - Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credits)
The student is guided in achieving some proficiency in oral communication while developing a degree of skill in reading and writing. Aspects of Spanish life and culture are presented through the use of selected reading materials, presentations and discussions. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: SPAN 1002
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 2002 - Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credits)
The course provides initial exposure to short literary works by authors from Spain and Spanish America complemented by biographical and cultural notes. Conversational format with weekly written assignments. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: (SPAN 2001 and Ecore Orientation with a score of C)
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 2120 - Spanish Conversation I (3 Credits)
The course focuses on contemporary events and popular Hispanic culture while refining the verbal skills first acquired by students in the introductory sequences of the target language. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 2122 - Intensive Spanish Reading and Speaking (3 Credits)
A rapid course in the fundamentals of Spanish for students in specific professions who do not desire to follow the usual curriculum but who need to acquire a practical knowledge of Spanish in the shortest possible time.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 2220 - Hispanic Culture and Civilization (3 Credits)
A survey of the culture and civilization of Spain and the Americas, inclusive of Hispanics in the United States. Reading and listening skills in Spanish will be reinforced by discussions, lectures, readings, and assignments.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 2306 - Intro to Spanish Literature (3 Credits)
Study of the major trends of Spanish and Spanish/American Literature from the colonial to the contemporary period. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: (SPAN 3337 or MDLG 337)
SPAN 3001 - Survey of Spanish Literature (3 Credits)
From the early medieval works to the Eighteenth Century. Offered; Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3002 - Survey of Spanish Literature II (3 Credits)
From the Nineteenth Century to the contemporary period. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3110 - Spanish Phonetics (3 Credits)
The course focuses on a review of the international phonetic alphabet, while refining the verbal skills of the target language. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3120 - Spanish Conversation II (3 Credits)
The course focuses on refining the oral proficiency acquired sequence.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3335 - Spanish Composition and Reading (3 Credits)
Advanced problems in syntax, written exercises, free composition and translation and discussion of selected readings. Intensive reading of modern Spanish texts serves as a basis for oral practice and the development of composition technique. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2122
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3338 - Spanish Drama (3 Credits)
A study of selected plays by representative Spanish-American playwrights: Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Pedron Calderon de la Barca, La Gringa and Sanchez.
Prerequisites: (SPAN 3336 or MDLG 336)
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3420 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 Credits)
An inductive study of Spanish grammar. Excerpts from literary masters illustrate principles of grammar that students analyze, personalize, and practice.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3335
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3501 - Spanish for Business I (3 Credits)
This course is an advanced level Spanish course that will focus on conversational language, reading, and writing skills for certain topics in the business field. The course will provide you with a solid foundation in the vocabulary and discourse used in Business for settings such as business trips, getting around in a foreign country, buying and selling goods, and a few accounting topics. This course will also develop your geographic literacy and cultural understanding of the Spanish-speaking world, as these are essential to being able to conduct business successfully in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2120
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3502 - Spanish for Business II (3 Credits)
This course is a continuation of SPAN 3501 for students interested in working in the business field. Topics covered include accounting, income tax, advertising agency, and other topics not studied in Spanish for Business I.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3501
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3601 - Spanish for Healthcare I (3 Credits)
This course is an advanced level Spanish course that will focus on conversational language, reading, and writing skills for the Health Care Professionals. It will include pronunciation skills, phrases, and terms used during patient triage. It includes topics such as human anatomy, checking into the hospital, at a Pediatrician and Gynecologist office, dealing with various emergencies among other topics.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2120
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3602 - Spanish for Healthcare II (3 Credits)
This course is a continuation of SPAN 3601 for students interested in working in Health Care industry. Topics covered include giving birth and child care, Specialists’ office, hospital, lab and X ray rooms, heart related ailments, and other topics not covered in Spanish for Health Care I.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3601
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3701 - Spanish for Social Services I (3 Credits)
This course prepares students with a strong background in the Spanish language for working with native Spanish speakers in careers associated with social services, including social work and social welfare. Topics covered include working with Spanish-speaking clients at the Department of Social Welfare, the Social Security Office, and the Employment and Training Office.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2120
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 3702 - Spanish for Social Services II (3 Credits)
This course is a continuation of SPAN 3701 for students interested in working in social services. Topics covered include Medicaid and Medicare, child abuse, the elderly, disability, AIDS, child development, and supplemental income.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3701
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 4001 - Survey of Spanish American Literature I (3 Credits)
Spanish American literature from Pre- Columbian to Costumbrismo. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3420
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 4002 - Survey of Spanish American Literature II (3 Credits)
Spanish American literature from Modernism to the contemporary period. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 4450 - Contemporary Spanish American Novel (3 Credits)
Representative novels of the Spanish American Boom Period.
SPAN 4495 - Study Abroad (3 Credits)
Study of language and culture in a native (Spanish speaking) environment for students involved in a Study Abroad Program. Offered: Spring, Summer.
Other hours: 3
SPAN 4496 - Study Abroad (3 Credits)
Study of language and culture in a native (Spanish speaking) environment for students involved in a Study Abroad Program. Offered: Spring, Summer.
Other hours: 3
SPAN 4885 - Nineteenth Century Drama (3 Credits)
A study of the outstanding Spanish dramatics of the Nineteenth century. Emphasis on Romanticism, its origins and aftermath. Representative plays analyzed using various critical approaches.
Prerequisites: SPAN 4001 or SPAN 4002
Lecture hours: 3
SPAN 4990 - Spanish Senior Seminar (1 Credit)
A capstone course which may be taken a second time for credit if the topic is different. Available subjects may include the Spanish Language, pre- Columbian and Colonial Literature, Twentieth Century Spanish Drama, or else area studies of literature, such as Cuban, Argentinean, Mexican, or any other Spanish- speaking area.
Other hours: 1