Special Education (SPED)

SPED 3231 - Contemporary Perspectives of Students with Disabilities (3 Credits)

A study of the characteristics, identification and educational needs of children and youth with exceptionalities. A grade of B or better is required for certification. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Other hours: 3

SPED 3307 - Nature and Characteristics of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (2 Credits)

A study of the characteristics and needs of children with intellectual disabilities, including history, current laws, and identification for services. Offered: On Demand.

Lecture hours: 2

SPED 3312 - Curriculum, Methods and Materials for Teaching Adaptive Curriculum (2 Credits)

This course focuses on curriculum development and instructional design for students with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities. Offered: Fall.

Lecture hours: 2

SPED 3331 - Occupational Guidance for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (2 Credits)

Examines employment opportunities, job analysis, and placement procedures for sh1dents with intellectual disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on educational, social, vocational and transition guidance. Offered: On Demand.

Other hours: 2

SPED 3341 - Curr/Trans Instr Tch Stu Dis (2 Credits)

This course is designed to explore the theories and research that form the basis for curriculum development and planning. Students will become knowledgeable of effective instructional practices as they relate to teaching students with various disabilities and exceptionalities. Offered: On Demand.

Lecture hours: 2

SPED 4401 - Lrng Env Behav Mgmt Chd W/Disa (2 Credits)

A study of the characteristics, identification and educational needs of exceptional children and youth and classroom management techniques used to work with them in the school setting. Offered: On Demand.

Other hours: 2

SPED 4450 - Student Teaching in Special Education (12 Credits)

Teaching students with disabilities in approved educational setting under the guidance of teachers certified in Special Education. Offered: On Demand.

Prerequisites: EDUC 4400

Lecture hours: 12

SPED 4471 - Internship in Special Education I (6 Credits)

Teaching special education children in appropriate classroom settings under supervision. Designed for in-service classroom teachers only. Offered: On Demand.

Lecture hours: 6

SPED 4472 - Internship in Special Education II (6 Credits)

Teaching special education children in appropriate classroom settings under supervision. Designed for in-service classroom teachers only. Offered: On Demand.

Lecture hours: 6