Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science

Field of Study 2
EDUC 2110Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education (Field of Study)3
EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cult Perspective3
EDUC 2130Exploring Teaching and Learning3
ISCI 2001Life/Earth Science3
ISCI 2002Physical Science3
MATH 2008Foundation of Numbers and Operations3
Major Requirements
Methods/Curriculum Content
ARTS 1102Introduction to Visual and Performing Arts1
EDUC 2210Technology and Media for Teachers1
ECEC 3200Curriculum in Early Childhood Education3
ECEC 3319Quantitative Skills for Young Children3
ECEC 4354Science for the Young Child4
ECEC 4400Social Studies/Diversity/Language Arts3
EDUC 4451Instruction and Assessment3
SPED 3231Contemporary Perspectives of Students with Disabilities 33
Concentration Areas
Reading Concentration
ECEC 3322Reading through Childrens Literature/Language Arts3
ECEC 3355Developmental Reading for Young Children3
ECEC 4423Corrective Reading in Early Childhood 43
ECEC 4500Remedial Reading: A Practicum 43
Mathematics Concentration
MATH 3000Numbers and Their Applications3
MATH 3005Advanced Topics in Elementary Mathematics3
MATH 3311Geometry & Applications3
Culminating Clinical Experience
EDUC 2199Orientation to Education0
EDUC 3401Practicum I2
EDUC 3402Practicum II2
EDUC 3403Practicum III2
ECEC 4460Student Teaching in Kindergarten and Primary Grades12
or ECEC 4490
ECEC 4491
Internship in Early Childhood Education I
and Internship in Early Childhood Education II
First-Year and Wellness Course Requirements Outside the Core
ASU 1101First Year Experience: Pathways to Success1
HEDP, WELLHealth & Wellness Requirement 52
Total Semester Hours123

Prerequisite ENGL 1101


A grade of C or better is required for the field of study.


SPED 3231 requires a grade of B or better in compliance with PSC rules.


Prerequisite ECEC 3355


The health & wellness requirement may be fulfilled by taking one - two (2) credit hour health or wellness course OR two one (1) credit hour health or wellness activity courses.